How to apply


How to apply

In order to evaluate your candidature for our Master Program, we require you to send us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the following documents:

  1. Letter of intention explaining the reasons of your interest
  2. Your Curriculum Vitae
  3. Your academic record (=transcript)
  4. University title
  5. Photo
  6. Passport

These documents will be assessed by our Admission Committee, if their decision is positive, you can start the registration process.


Registration Process

You need previous documents ready to upload into the system. You can start this process on February:

1. First, you need to have your NIU (Number Identification University); you can later manage password changes through this web.

2. You must go to the webpage registration: SIA - Serveis d'Intranet ( and click on Registration on master's degrees, graduate diplomas and UAB-specific courses with NIU

IMPORTANT:  Master code: 2084 Edition 17

3. When the registration is done, you must pay the registration fee (30,21€) and wait the administrative admission message (by e-mail)

4. In the case of positive admission message, you will receive instructions to start the enrollment process.


Enrolment Process

You must go to the enrol webpage.

click on "Online Enrolment with NIU"  and follow instructions.

Regarding formal proceedings:

  1. February 2024 to July 2024: Admision registration and payment of 30.21 Euros
  2. February 2024 to July 2024: Enrolment with documentation about your personal official certified diplomas and university graduation certificates, and payment.
  4. If you have a certificate from a country outside the European Union you have to legalize the certificate according to the agreement between the country where you got the certificate and Spain. If the issuing country is included in The Hague agreement (check here) you will have to add the correspondent apostille to the document. If the issuing country is not in The Hague agreement, you will have to add the stamp of the Ministry of Education, the stamp of the Ministry of foreign affairs and the stamp of the embassy of the issuing country in Spain. For more information click here.
  5. Payment by Credit Card: all Master fee in one time (11.000 euros) or payment by transfer: all Master fee in one time (11.000 euros) or 2 installments available: 1) 5.500 euros March to beginning of October; 2) 5.500 euros until 22th December (special conditions can be individually established)
  6. It is possible to deliver an invoice if you are paid by third parties (companies, institutions, …)


Very Important

Admision and Enrolment must be done on line. Ask for support in Spanish or English to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more Information regarding Accommodation please visit the Vila website here.

For More Information about the University and the Recidency please visit the International Support Service Website here.


Master Certificate

Once you have finished the master you can get the certificate by appointment with the Escola de Posgrau clicking here.

The price of the certificate for the academic year 2023/2024 is 211,47€.


Student Card

How do I get it?

Newly arrived students can get their card at the issuing point nearest to your faculty or school, the office of Banco Santander, on the Plaça Cívica, Bellaterra campus.
What should I do if my personal data change?

To make any changes to your personal details on your academic record, contact to the Escola de Postgrau: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If these changes affect your UAB card, contact the office of Banco Santander, on the Plaça Cívica, Bellaterra campus, to get the new card, or request it using this form.

How can I send in any queries, concerns or suggestions?

You can send in any queries, concerns or suggestions by sending an email to the coordiantion office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Academic Schedule

Module 1 [PDF]

Module 2 [PDF]

Module 3 [PDF]

About IMBM

The Business Department at the UAB offers this high‐quality Master in matters referring management or business for university graduates in any discipline with 3 years or more of experience, wishing to study a Master in Executive  Business Management – International Edition (IMBM).Our offer is exclusively in English, arising from the clear need to respond students from all around the world wishing to attend these high quality courses in Barcelona. The combination of content and teaching, both academic and practical, along with the quality of teaching staff, make this Executive master proposal of training, unique.

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